Deepak Bhaskaran Deepak Bhaskaran

Software Engineer 🌉 San Francisco, CA

Email: b[my_first_name]
LinkedIn: dbhaskaran

About Me

To this end, we develop novel spectroscopic-imaging scanning tunneling microscopy (SI-STM) tools to visualize the relevant quantum mechanical degrees of freedom. We want to be able to build the perfect instruments to answer the scientific questions we deem most important (see Research).

We are located at Leiden University, the birthplace of superconductivity and home to Kamerlingh Onnes, Lorentz, Huygens, Einstein, de Sitter, and others (see e.g. the wall of signatures from Ehrenfest lecturers). We exchange ideas and work with our neighbors from Quantum Matter & Optics, as well as with the colleagues from our world-class theory section.